After last night’s GOP debate I have decided on the perfect candidate to lead the country into the future. Sadly it’s a compilation so it may take some time for medical science to catch up with the gene splitting and DNA combining required - but this is what/who I think we need.

We need a non-political class, classy lady like Carly Fiorina

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with Marco Rubio’s grace, command of the facts and youthful good lucks.

She should be at least half Hispanic because, well just because and we need her to have Ben Carson’s humanity, inner peace and spirituality plus his absolute resistance to political correctness.

The perfect candidate would have the budget hawkishness of Rand Paul and the constitutional reverence and verbal skills of Ted Cruz.

She should come with some of the seasoned leadership experience of Jeb Bush and John Kasich.

She would have a healthy dose of the “NO - B.S.” radar that Governor Chris Christy possesses along with his strong stand on fighting terrorism.

She should have Rick Santorum’s passion for children and Mike Huckabee’s delightful sense of humor and playfulness.

And finally she should come with Donald Trump’s money so as to be beyond influence and display the willingness to challenge the status quo in all circumstances.

Then if she names me communication director I think we have a winner!

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