More allegations about inappropriate behavior by Donald Trump swirl through the news today.  Time will tell as to the ultimate impact but it has raised a number of questions including about marital infidelity.  How common is it really? says research from the past two decades shows that between 20 and 25 percent of married men cheat and between 10 and 15 percent of married women cheat. And those numbers have stayed pretty consistent over that time period.

But what does appear to have changed is people's attitudes toward cheating and sex. People disapprove of infidelity more now than they did several decades ago.

Experts say in surveys from the 1970s  that it was more common for people to accept that their spouse could cheat. They weren't looking for their partner to be their best friend and confidante.

Today married people expect to get everything from a relationship with a spouse, and as a result have strong opinions about cheating.



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