Dr. Teresa Everson is Yakima County's Health Officer.  During this Coronavirus pandemic she lives on her computer and on her phone gathering information. Information that will be used to factor the future in Yakima County.

Recent headlines in the Yakima Herald announced to the world that Yakima County showed the highest per capita rate of infection of any county on the West Coast.  On the surface that sounds ominous, maybe even dangerous but what the reality behind the numbers.

We asked Dr Everson that and more when she was interviewed on KIT's Morning News.


 Yakima County recorded the first two confirmed cases of COVID-19 back on March 12 which seems like a year ago. 10 days later the health district issued the stay-at home under which we all now live,  The Governor has released his phase in plan for "normalcy".but if conditions merit, Everson says Yakima's order could stay in effect longer.  She understands the frustration this causes many business owners,

Everson recenty told the Yakima Herald republic (YHR) “People are not aware of public health. We are operating behind the scenes, trying to prevent the outbreaks. People don’t really appreciate what we do,” she said. “When we are successful, we have stopped the thing from happening. ... We’ve done such a great job, people have stopped seeing the value.


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