Yakima Council District #2 Candidate Edgar Hernandez
Meet the candidates for Yakima's southeast City Council District #2. The district has four candidates seeking the seat currently held by Jason White. White decided not to seek re-election which opens the door for the first-time candidates, all with long-term ties to the district community.
The district was created in 2015 to be a Minority-Majority district meaning boundary lines for the 13,358 residents were drawn in such a way so as to create the possibility for more minority voters cast than anglo votes - depending on voter participation. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said it would dramatically increase voter turnout and Hispanic resident's participation. While the turnout prediction hasn't been proven true yet, the participation expectation comes true with the 2021 slate of all four Hispanic Candidates.
Our second interview is with 40 year old Edgar Hernandez who, according the Yakima Herald, is a tech and field support worker for geophone company.