Yakima City Council Votes To Stop Talk About Sanctuary Or Welcoming City Status
No more sanctuary city or welcoming city talk from the city of Yakima. The council voted 4-2 Tuesday to stop the discussion including talk about a proposed inclusive public safety policy. Council member Maureen Adkison, who voted in support of stopping the ordinance says the council wasted time talking about the issue. Other council members Bill Lover, Holly Cousens and Mayor Kathy Coffey voted in favor of Adkison's motion.
The action on Tuesday stops months of talk about Yakima becoming a welcoming or sanctuary city. Last month council members Carmen Mendez and Dulce Gutierrez developed and released a proposed inclusive public safety policy that put in writing a policy that police not ask about immigration or religious status. But on Tuesday the council voted 4-2 to stop the discussion. Council members Bill Lover, Holly Cousens and Mayor Kathy Coffey voted for the motion while Dulce Gutierrez and Avina Gutierrez voted no. Council member Carman Mendez was on vacation and did not attend the meeting on Tuesday.