Paid parking in downtown Yakima will be the subject of a Yakima City Council study session on Tuesday. The council will hear from Yakima City Manager Bob Harrison  who put together a report for the study session that says the money from the paid parking lots downtown would help support infrastructure downtown because many areas need work. The money would fund the upkeep of parking lots sidewalks and other infrastructure in the downtown area.

The City Manager report proposes paid parking Monday through Saturday

In the report Harrison proposes paid parking in downtown lots from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Saturday with free parking on Sundays. The proposed cost is $1 per hour. Currently parking is free for 2 hours in the city owned downtown parking lots. That would change if the Yakima City Council decides to change to paid parking in the city owned lots.

Some downtown business owners like the paid parking idea

Do you agree or disagree with the proposal? Those who work and own businesses downtown are mixed in reaction but many understand the upkeep work downtown needs a funding source. Harrison, in his report to the council says funding from the paid parking would pay for downtown improvements like streets, off-street parking lots maintenance and construction, sidewalks, street trees among other improvements. The city proposes using an app and charging stations to allow people to pay for the parking rather than having parking meters at every parking space.

The City Manager will talk about the proposal Tuesday on KIT

Don't miss our conversation with Yakima City Manager Bob Harrison at 7:15 am Tuesday morning on KIT. We'll talk to him about the study and ask him when he expects the council to make a decision about paid parking in downtown Yakima.
The study session on Tuesday starts at 5:00 pm at Yakima City Hall.

You can watch the meeting on line or in person

The meeting is also live streamed at and telecast live on Y-PAC, Spectrum Cable Channel 194 or you may call in and participate by dialing 1-253-215-8782 or 1-971-247-1195, enter meeting ID 978 7409 3451#, participant ID # and meeting password 630496#. Public comment may be made in person or by phone.

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