When It Comes to Pizza Pie, Size Does Matter
When it comes to pizza, Yakamanians want to get the most cheese for their "cheese," the most sauce for their "cabbage," the most pepperoni for their "cash-areeno!" So how do we make that happen?
Buzzfeed reports that Twitter used @fermatslibrary to do the math (wait, we were told there would be pizza, not math) and they came to the counterintuitive conclusion that one 18-inch pizza actually has more pure pizza surface area than two 12-inch pizzas. Chew on that!
In fact, you get 28 more square inches of pizza if you order an 18-inch pizza (254 square inches) compared to ordering two 12-inch pizzas (226 square inches.)
But, if you're crushing on crust, then you'll want to go for the two 12-inch pies, as you'll get 33 percent more crust compared to one 18-inch pizza. Now you know.
Yakima has a lot of pizza possibilities, Pisan. Which pie catches your eye?
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