What’s The Concern About Vote-By-Mail?
This morning on the Morning News we had a "spirited" conversation with caller Stephen (or is it Steven?) about his assessment that President Trump is undermining public confidence in the outcome of the November general election by expressing his concerns for fraud in advance of ballot counting.
A plurality think the results will be known within the following week, with 19 percent believing it'll be the next day and 26 percent between two and seven days later.
Another 21 percent believe it will take longer than a week.
Politico said, "An analysis of mail ballot processing rules in 13 swing states found that three Great Lakes swing states — Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin — don’t allow for ballots to be processed or tallied before Election Day. Experts warn that those state laws simply don’t allow enough time to fully tally the expected glut of mail ballots in those states on the night of Nov. 3....Significantly more Democrats are expected to vote via the mail than Republicans ....Trump has already been sowing distrust about the results of the election, saying that results should be final on the night of the election and repeatedly disparaging mail-in voting."
A small majority, 53 percent, said they were very or somewhat concerned that President Trump will prematurely declare victory before all the votes are counted, while one-third expressed the same concerns about former Vice President Joe Biden.
Once again the Coronavirus is disrupting life in America by increasing fears of going to a traditional polling place. And once again we hear the echoes of the words of President Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, who famously said in 2008, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. I mean, it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”
That's what President Trump and conservatives are warning about.
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