You can do all you can to present a great first impression…but guess what..your NAME get’s there before you do and it carries an impression all its own!  Social Psychologists have come up with a list of ten names and the baggage they bear!  And smack dab in the middle is Hillary.  Anyone here predict that? Anyone?


 Boy names:

  1. Morgan. Everything is difficult for a Morgan, and he has bad luck.  
  2. Gordon. Gordon tends to sabotage himself and/or others. He is overly critical, which makes him tough to be around for an extended period of time.  
  3. Weston. Weston doesn't see reality for what it is. Rather, he lives in illusion despite swearing he sees things clearly.  
  4. Herbert. Herbert is always looking for perfection in himself and others.  
  5. Bruce. Charming and charismatic when he wants to be, Bruce can turn on the charm and — just as effortlessly —turn it off. Bruce is often paranoid, and can be quite difficult to live or work with over a long period of time.  

Girl names:

  1. Heather. Heathers are often equivalent to Gordons. They can come across as sweethearts, and yet something always ends up going wrong.  
  2. Marie. Maries consistently self-sacrifice for the good of the whole. They are always expected to serve others, and put themselves in a position to be the last priority. This extreme martyrdom gets old and yet, doesn’t change.
  3. Hillary. With Hillaries, everything is an uphill battle. Hillaries always have to fight for what they believe is right and nothing comes easily to them. They have issues involving fairness; they have no problem standing up for others, yet have a hard time finding their own voice to fight for themselves. Often, Hillaries will complete tasks they don't want to do, just for the sake of others. Life is one uphill battle. So, to compensate, Hillary micromanages.
  4. Sheila. Nothing goes as planned for Sheilas, and often, they don't feel like they fit into the same social circles as the people around them. Thus, Sheilas are constantly seeking to gain approval from others.  
  5. Connie. As interesting as Connies are, they are such extreme control freaks that they eventually drive even the most caring people away from them. They are overly critical and would rather be right than have a friend.   (


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