What Politics Needs Most To Serve The Public Best
Politics, Like Business, Is Better With Better competition
Balance Grasshopper, Balance.
Researchers at the University of Rochester and UC San Diego say states that have tight competition between the two parties for political control often end up passing measures that improve the quality of life for the people living there. Researchers say people in deep blue or deep red states have a lower life expectancy, lower levels of education, and less income in comparison to people in swing states.
So, THAT'S WHY you should be concerned about the one-party choke-hold the Democrats have on Washington State politics. Single-Party politics don't serve "We the people", as well as a more competitive political climate, would.
You: So, BALANCE, right?
Work Harder, Work Better
Me: So why does it happen? The study suggests that when one party holds too much power for too long, (Like The Dems in Washington State) politicians pass more so-called pork-barrel projects that only benefit a small number of residents. But when the parties have to fight for control, those in power pursue programs to help many people in order to boost the reputation of their party.