What Does Your Dog Dream About For Christmas?
"The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads". So that's what the kids were dreaming about back in 1823 when Clement Clark Moore's "A Visit from St. Nicholas," a.k.a. "Twas the Night Before Christmas" came on the scene. Today, maybe an X-Box? But what do dogs dream about? Well, thanks to the LL Bean Christmas commercial, we may now know.
Is Your Dog On Your Christmas List?
Over the weekend I was watching football (Duh?) and I saw a charming commercial in which this cute scruffy dog was obsessed with his owner's red flannel shirt. The smell, the comfort, the memories all seemed to be so important to this pooch. You can watch it at the end of this post.
Anyway, it made an impression on me and it got me to wondering if dogs dream about Christmas. Turns out they do dream and apparently about the events of their day! Christmas, we're not so sure!
Science Says Dogs Do Dream...Probably Not Sugarplums
Studies have proven canines experience the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, which is when humans have their most intense, realistic dreams. In dogs, they usually reach the REM stage within 20 minutes of falling asleep and stay there two to three minutes.
In an experiment with test dogs, researchers deactivated the mechanism that keeps mammals from physically acting out their dreams, and they found the animals acted out activities from their daily lives when dreaming, like running, playing, and eating. Experts also say in general, larger breeds experience longer dreams while smaller breeds experience shorter dreams, and that smaller breeds dream more often than larger breeds. To help your dog avoid nightmares, be sure to provide him or her with a loving household and healthy lifestyle. Also, it was found dogs sleep better in a familiar spot than they do elsewhere. Like on the boss's favorite warm flannel shirt!
What The Pros Say Makes For Good Gifts For Your Dog
Wondering what to get your dog for Christmas for real? The website Spruce Pets has 16 suggestions for you, Here's a sample, and watch that LL Bean commercial. You too will be charmed
The 16 Best Christmas Gifts for Your Dog in 2021
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