Weddings – Something Old, New And Covid Inspired Too
Jen Glantz, a person working in the wedding industry says COVID-19 could change weddings forever. She runs a full-time business called Bridesmaid for Hire and has worked hundreds of weddings all over the U.S.
Glantz says she thinks that once the pandemic is over, people will plan weddings on a smaller budget because the size and scale of weddings will look much different. She also predicts post-pandemic weddings will be what the couple wants, as opposed to fitting what trendy bridal magazines show. She also believes weddings will become weekend-long affairs as opposed to just one-day events.
Glantz says, “To be honest with you, [before the pandemic] people were planning weddings that just looked like everyone else’s....Now with so many changes happening, I think people are warming up to the idea of planning a different kind of wedding they never thought they wanted."
Like with working from home, distance learning and so many other Coronavirus influenced modifications Glantz recommends keeping an open mind, and maybe your wedding plans will end up looking very different than what you first thought.”
You may now kiss the bride and please, let's kiss 2020 GOOD-BYE!
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