TODAY Is The Deadline To Register For Political Candidate School
If you are thinking about a first time run for political office as a Republican, you'll want to get registered for the GOP Candidate School being offered this Saturday at McCormick Air Center in Yakima.
Even if your interest is just volunteering to help get a good Republican candidate elected, the Yakima County Republicans Candidate School is for you, April 28th from 9:00am to 6:00 pm.
Alex Hays of Action for Washington is the presenter for this intensive training who is speaking on all aspects of campaign strategy.
The registration deadline is TODAY Thursday, April 26th. Seating is limited so register as soon as possible by calling Benine McDonnell, Chairman, at (509) 952-4652 or by emailing: office@YakimaCountyRepublicans.org.
The cost is $25 which includes a light breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinks.
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