Thanks For The date, Mom?
Sunday is Mother's Day and to the list of all the things she gave you, add one more - an increased chance of finding a date!
There is a dating app called "The League" which is marketed towards people who are overachievers. When users post a picture that includes their mom, those users get a seven percent higher match rate compared to those without mom in their photo.
Thanks mom for that extra seven percent! (wasn't that the cocaine concoction that Sherlock Holmes used to use? But I digress...)
Leave it to the boys to take biggest advantage of mom with 55% of those posing with mom being men. It's thought men who pose with their mothers look more family-oriented and it also makes him look as though he treats his mother well.
When women pose with their mothers it's thought to give insight into what the user might look like when she gets older.
Thanks to all moms everywhere for the gift of life and the life skills to make the most of it!
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