Yakima Valley Trolleys invite you to enjoy the haunted trolley barn and trolley rides this coming weekend. Volunteer Joan Walsh says it's a fun fundraiser for the historic trolleys. Walsh says families can have fun with a haunted trolley ride and then take a walk into the haunted museum. "That's where the polluted swamp will be where you can catch prizes and we'll have our ghostbuster and Big Foot will be walking around as well."
The event begins at Noon both Saturday and Sunday and includes face painting and a photo booth plus lots of fun. Tickets are available at kameoevents.com or at the Kameo Flower shop in Yakima. The Yakima Valley Trolleys is the last remaining interurban trolleys of its kind, in the United States.
Yakima Valley Trolleys are located at the corner of S. 3rd Avenue and W. Pine Street.

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