As Congress hammers out the 2023 Farm Bill, growing interest in the impacts of agriculture on climate could give organic farmers more political sway as they advocate for funding and programs.
Regulations, adopted by the California State Water Resources Control Board, require local water agencies to impose restrictions to make up for potential 20% shortfalls.
A released report form the USDA’s Economic Research Service shows for every dollar American consumers spend on food, U.S. farmers and ranchers earn just 14.6 cents.
The appointment of state directors for the Farm Service Agency and for USDA's Rural Development programs have been announced. Ag lenders are recommending further adjustments as farmers prepare for another year of tight margins. A sustainability acceleration project using RFID technology tracks cattle in it entire life.
Negotiations on a new NAFTA agreement are moving quickly. Soybean export started the new marketing year on a bullish pace. The Senate has unanimously passed legislation to assist farmers who have fallen on hard times financially.