Brewers like the flavor and aroma that come from Florida-grown Cascade hops, saying it tastes a little like candy. Ag Economy Barometer plummeted in May to a reading of just 99, the weakest since April 2020.
The long-running TV game show Jeopardy! has a searchable database of every episode online. The word "Yakima" has appeared on the show 11 times and has had two contestants on the show from the Yakima Valley. On Wednesday (Sept.1) Yakima was featured for the 12th time.
The Original Fresh Hop Ale Festival is back. Saturday, October 2nd, mark your calendar for an amazing evening of Fresh Hop Ales, Wine, Ciders, fantastic foods, live music, and more. Plus, this year's event will be taking place at a new venue, the Sozo Sports Complex.
If it's happened once it's happened a hundred times. The moment when someone discovers that I live in Yakima and begins asking questions like 'Is everyone in a gang'? I'll sigh and say, no, not everyone. It's strange that perceptions are a reality for people and until they experience something for themselves, like how awesome it is to live in the Yakima Valley. They just don't know any better.