Not Every Driver Is Cited For Good Reason Say YPDNot Every Driver Is Cited For Good Reason Say YPDA lot of people are getting the message as the speed patrols continue into the fall and winter and not every driver is getting ticketed.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima Drivers Beware; Police Say Red Light Crashes Numbers RisingYakima Drivers Beware; Police Say Red Light Crashes Numbers Rising The Officers issued 238 citations so a majority of drivers are getting warnings not tickets.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima Police Stopping Hundreds of Drivers Every Week in The CityYakima Police Stopping Hundreds of Drivers Every Week in The CityOver the last year thousands of drivers have been warned or cited during ongoing speed emphasis patrols.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
You Drive in Yakima? Yakima Police Say Stop For That Red LightYou Drive in Yakima? Yakima Police Say Stop For That Red LightIt's a problem that Capt. Jay Seely says is frustrating at the least for many drivers who want to avoid getting in a crash. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Stolen Vehicle Numbers Down in Yakima But Not Speeding DriversStolen Vehicle Numbers Down in Yakima But Not Speeding DriversDuring the week of July 16 through July 22 Officers made 677 traffic stops and issued 234 citations. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Speeding on Three Main Roads in Yakima? Police Are WatchingSpeeding on Three Main Roads in Yakima? Police Are WatchingDuring the week of July 9 through July 15 Officers made a total of 890 stops and issued 360 citations.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Distracted Behind The Wheel? Yakima Police Say It’s a Big ProblemDistracted Behind The Wheel? Yakima Police Say It’s a Big ProblemOfficers made 857 traffic stops during the week, not as many as the 923 stops the week before but police say they're busy trying to control traffic. 393 drivers were ticketed. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Drivers Not Stopping For Red Lights? Yakima Police Say Slow DownDrivers Not Stopping For Red Lights? Yakima Police Say Slow Down It's the highest number of stops and citations issued since the program started late last summer.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima Police Urge Drivers to Slow Down or Face a FineYakima Police Urge Drivers to Slow Down or Face a FineGood news; Yakima Police say the number of people getting in crashes by running red lights is falling every week. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima and Now Union Gap Police Say Slow Down or Pay a FineYakima and Now Union Gap Police Say Slow Down or Pay a Fine Now the city of Union Gap is having the same problems.Lance TormeyLance Tormey