WA State Has Been Pilfering Auto Theft Prevention FundWA State Has Been Pilfering Auto Theft Prevention FundGOP legislators learn the fund, which is supposed to support and help pay for anti-auto theft programs and efforts, has seen its money diverted to other uses. John McKayJohn McKay
What Are The 10 Most Stolen Vehicles in America? Find Out!What Are The 10 Most Stolen Vehicles in America? Find Out!Richland Police recently shared the most stolen vehicles in the US. John McKayJohn McKay
Warm Up Auto Thefts On The WayWarm Up Auto Thefts On The WaySince January 459 vehicles have been stolen in the city of Yakima. During the same time last year 403 vehicles were stolen within Yakima City limits. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Auto Theft During COVID-19 Not a Big Problem in YakimaAuto Theft During COVID-19 Not a Big Problem in YakimaIn April Yakima Police reported 39 auto thefts compared to 45 during the same month last year. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Criminals Busy Stealing Cars in City of YakimaCriminals Busy Stealing Cars in City of Yakima46 Vehicles were stolen last April of 2019. 23 have been stolen so far this month.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Warm Up Auto Thefts On The Rise In Fall And WinterWarm Up Auto Thefts On The Rise In Fall And Winter Every fall and winter the theft rates shoot up dramatically because of what police call warm up auto thefts. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Vehicle Theft Still A Big Problem In City Of Yakima Vehicle Theft Still A Big Problem In City Of Yakima In 2017 517 vehicles were stolen in the city of Yakima. Police say many were taken while they're warming up in the driveway. Lance TormeyLance Tormey