Street Racers Facing Reckless Driving Charges
Two people face charges of reckless driving after they were arrested for street racing last Friday night. According to the Washington State Patrol, a trooper in an unmarked car
spotted a large number of vehicles traveling in a group through the city of Yakima and suspected a street race was brewing. The trooper followed the group until they got to U.S. Highway 12, where they accelerated to speeds in excess of 90 mph in the 60 mph zone.
The racers also attempted to block both westbound lanes so the two lead cars could race each other unimpeded. However, troopers were standing by and were able stop the two lead vehicles while additional troopers blocked the roadway in order to prevent the other drivers from escaping.
Troopers arrested two of the racing drivers and booked them into the Yakima County jail on charges of reckless driving. The street racers' cars were also impounded. The remaining nine drivers were issued speeding citations.
Troopers say racing is considered a reckless driving offense and is a gross misdemeanor, punishable by a jail term of up to 364 days and/or a fine of up to $5,000 as well as a possible suspension of driving privileges.