Science Says Claiming To Be Too Busy To Work Out Is No Longer An Excuse
Yup, I’m still hounding on the whole “get in shape” for the New Year’s resolution thing. You have discovered that you are not alone in your good intention and the gym is a lot more crowded than you had expected. Now what?
Well, research out of the UK says if you only exercise on the weekends you might still be getting the benefits of those who work out more frequently.
University researchers looked at more than 60,000 adults in England and Scotland and found that the benefits of weekend workouts lowered the risk of death by a similar margin to those who spread the same amount of exercise over the whole week.
The UK's National Health Service recommends people should spend 150 minutes a week performing moderate exercise, or 75 minutes doing vigorous exercise. In the study, those who met the physical activity target by exercising through the week had a 35 percent lower risk of death than inactive adults, while those who met the guideline over the weekend had a 30 percent lower risk of death.
The bottom line is that one more excuse is gone. You can’t make time during the week? NO EXCUSE! weekend effort is almost as beneficial! (The Guardian)
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