Atlanta, Jersey, Dallas or Orange County...take your pic and you can find the lives of  "The real Housewives" of those communities on dismal display on your television. Parents, psychologists and research have reached the same conclusion many of you have reached and Today reports it-- 'REAL HOUSEWIVES' ARE MAKING LITTLE GIRLS MEAN ! Parenting experts have criticized the high volume of fights among women on television because they set a poor example of female relationships to young girls. Caroline Knorr, parenting editor for Common Sense Media, and psychotherapist Robi Ludwig believe that the behavior teenage and tween girls see on screen has an influence on their real-life attitudes.

They say reality shows and dramas that portray female characters fighting with one another send the message that 'you're popular if you're nasty and mean.' Programs like The Real Housewives "send a message that if you act in a rampantly narcissistic way, you can move forward in the world." (Today)

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