Patriot’s Day 2017 – Still Not Settled – Hold On To Your Guns
Today is Patriot’s Day, a state holiday in Massachusetts, Wisconsin & Maine which commemorates the anniversary of the battles that launched the American Revolution at Lexington and Concord. Mark Alexander of the Patriot Post has written a post that provides a great history lesson and reminds us of the command Captain John Parker gave to the militia in his charge. "Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here." Did it ever.
But pushing a little deeper into the history book Alexander points out that it wasn’t only the tea party or taxation that triggered the fight but the British forces seeking to disarm the Americans. A second amendment fight even back then!
Alexander writes – “On the eve of April 18th, General Thomas Gage, royal military governor of Massachusetts, dispatched a force of 700 British Army regulars under Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith with secret orders to arrest Boston Tea Party leader Samuel Adams, Massachusetts Provincial Congress President John Hancock, and merchant fleet owner Jeremiah Lee.
But what directly tied Gage's orders to the later enumeration of the Second Amendment to our Constitution was the primary mission of his Redcoats: A preemptive raid to confiscate arms and ammunition stored by the Massachusetts Patriots in the town of Concord. The citizen minutemen understood that their right to keep and bear arms should not be infringed.
Patriot militia and minutemen, under the leadership of the Sons of Liberty, anticipated this raid, and the confrontations between militia and British regulars at Lexington and Concord was the spark that ignited the American Revolution.”
The article is called “The Shot [Still] Heard 'Round the World! The fight for American Liberty originated in defiance of government confiscation of income and firearms.
You can find the article here and it is well worth your consideration in light of ongoing efforts to limit our right to keep and bear arms, even from the Attorney General’s office in Washington State! https://patriotpost.us/alexander/48626