On the Verge – Help The Greenway Finish The Rotary Playground
They are in the home stretch! Sure it's taken a little longer to finish the job given all the recent heat but a lot of progress has been made and now it's time to wrap up construction of a new one-of-a-kind playground for kids at the Yakima greenway.
The Yakima Greenway teamed up with Yakima Rotary, the Rotary Trust and a bunch of great community minded companies are about to finish a fantastic play space for the children of Yakima and they need your help for one more weekend of work..
As i wrote before, we're talking about building an icon to replace an icon! The historic McGuire Playground is nearly 28 years old. Time, weather, and use have taken their toll, but the new community playground will entertain families for generations to come and you can be a part of it!
From the Greenway facebook - We need your help the weekend of July 9-11 to complete the new Rotary Playground at the Greenway!
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