New Dairy Standards; Latest on Monsanto-Bayer Merger
New standards have been set for grass-fed dairy producers.
The American Grassfed Association’s Marilyn Nobel tells Brownfield producers requested the dairy standard to bring uniformity to the niche market, saying it’s good for the animals and delivers what consumers think they’re getting when they see grass-fed on the label.
AGA’s Board of Directors approved new guidelines in December, that cattle are fed a diet of grass and never fed grain, or given antibiotics and hormones.
Monsanto is still on track to become part of Bayer AG by the end of the year, but in the meantime it is business as usual and that business continues to expand to offer more solutions for farmers.
Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant says we look forward to updating you on the status of the deal as we move through the year, but until then, we’re committed to operate as an independent company
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