What’s your prescription doc?  The Pacific Northwest!  What?  Take two and call me in the morning.  Two what?  How about a couple of hikes—fresh air, sunshine, green grass & tress! Spending time outside is good for us-- most people instinctively get that but now science reconfirms.

New data from own under and the University of Queensland reveals that spending about 30 minutes per week at a park or nature area can improve mental and physical health.

Researchers analyzed the health records of 1,538 Brisbane City residents, comparing the amount of time experiencing nature with four health outcomes. They discovered time spent in nature correlated with an increase in activity and a lower prevalence of high blood pressure and depression. Not bad for just wandering around the natural beauty.

It's thought a minimum of 30 minutes spent outside each week could reduce the number of depression cases by seven percent, and high blood pressure cases by nine percent.

Researchers say communities need to organize more community activities in natural spaces. (UPI)

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