Mobile Home Park To Get City Water This Week
A lot of people who live on Fruitvale blvd. in Yakima will be a lot happier at the end of this week. More than a hundred homes in the Regal Mobile Home Park on Fruitvale have been boiling water and using bottled water because e coli was found in two wells the residents use. The source of the e coii contamination has yet to be determined.
But work starts Monday on a plan to hook residents in that area to the city water system.
The work will result in traffic restrictions on Fruitvale Boulevard between North 24th Avenue and North 28th Avenue from Monday, October 1st through Friday October 5th. Work on the project will begin at 7:00 am and last until 3:30 pm each day.
Traffic will be limited to one lane in both directions in the project area. Because of heavy traffic volumes on Fruitvale Boulevard, drivers can expect delays. Drivers should use alternate routes if possible until the work is completed.