Looking For A Millennial? Try The Campground!
We hear and admittedly share a lot of criticism about the millennial generation. Many of their habits and preferences are reshaping a lot of the America some of us more senior types know and appreciate. For example in general millennials don't drive, don't dress up, go out to dinner, don't buy houses and more. They don't buy life insurance, fabric softener, cereal, cable TV or Big Macs!
But one thing millennials are doing is going camping. Next week is National Park Week with Sunday being Earth Day. There's a pretty good chance you could run into some millennials this Saturday on for Fee Free National Park Entrance Day.
According to Forbes, since 2014, Kampground of America (KOA) has measured an increase of six million new camper households in America, and in 2018, 45 percent of all camper households plan to increase their camping trips. Millennials with children are the most avid group of millennial campers and say they have plans to increase their trips at a higher rate than single millennials.
Another find: millennials are most likely to express interest in backcountry camping as well as higher-end amenities and services. (Forbes)
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