Lions Pool Opens Tuesday For First Time Since Pandemic Began
Yakima's Lions Pool is open Tuesday, the first time the pool has opened since the COVID-19 pandemic started in March. The pool is now open for lap swimming and water walking.
City officials have implemented COVID-19 requirements.
A news release from the city lists the changes at the pool.
A 6-foot separation between individuals must be maintained at all times.
Refrain from congregating as groups anywhere in the pool area, lobby, or parking lot.
The number of people allowed into the facility at any one time will be limited to 35 people to minimize exposure for staff and swimmers.
Increased frequency of routine cleaning, sanitization, disinfection of all common areas and frequently touched surfaces.
Personal protective equipment will be provided to all staff, which they will be required to wear at all times.
Swim lessons, recreational swimming and rentals will not be offered until further notice.
Exercise equipment will be available as long as users place used equipment in the return bins and not back on the racks.
Users will pick up their own equipment, not leaving it for others to handle.
Staff will maintain filtration and recirculation systems according to manufacturer recommendations.
To ensure swimmers safety, staff will test pH and disinfectant levels at least twice per day (hourly when in heavy use).
Leave Lions Pool as soon as activities are finished.
Lions Pool is located at 509 West Pine Street. It can be reached at 575-6046.