Lawmakers Plan Virtual Town Hall February 25
In Today's COVID-19 world holding a virtual town hall is considered to be a good idea. So Washington State 14th District State Representatives Gina Mosbrucker and Chris Corry are holding a virtual town hall on February 25 and you're invited to participate.The two lawmakers say they want to talk to you about issues related to the 2021 legislative session. The remote Town Hall Meeting will be conducted using the Zoom platform.
Many issues are up for discussion including the calls for increased taxes, gun control and COVID-19 related matters. Rep. Gina Mosbrucker of Goldendale says "we are now approaching the time of the session where we will be voting on hundreds of bills that have passed their respective committees and are coming out on the House floor. Since most of the legislative session is being held remotely, we don't have the level of personal interaction that a normal session would provide. So it's even more important for us to hear from everyone across the 14th District and listen to their concerns and ideas, this is a convenient way for people to participate in their government from the comfort of their homes." Representative Chris Corry tells KIT News that town halls are a great way to cut through the rhetoric and talk about what's really important.
"Several controversial bills are being debated and decided in Olympia this session. These proposals will be discussed in detail during our first ever virtual town hall event, I'm looking forward to a lively discussion that is both engaging and informative for the people we represent."
The remote Town Hall Meeting will be conducted using the Zoom platform. Those who would like to participate must pre-register in advance for the conference by going to https://tinyurl.com/eiv6jinc. Citizens may also sign up at www.RepresentativeGinaMosbrucker.com or www.RepresentativeChrisCorry.com.
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