Large Drive-Through Vaccination Site Opens Wednesday
The Yakima Health District has announced a large vaccination site will open at Yakima's State Fair Park on Wednesday, March 17. The health district is working with Signal Health, the Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management and Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital to open the Drive-Through Community Vaccination Clinic at Yakima's State Fair Park. The drive-through site will be in addition to the vaccines available at hospitals, pharmacies and clinics throughout the Yakima Valley. The large vaccination clinic at Yakima's State Fair Park will be open by appointment only to people who are currently eligible under the vaccine distribution program. The hours and days of the drive-through site will be Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., except Thursdays when the site will be open from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
To start the drive-through site at State Fair Park the site will be administering 500 doses of vaccine this week. But the goal, say health officials is to be able to administer more than 500 COVID-19 vaccines per day if supply increases in the near future. Appointments will be required to get a vaccine at the site. To schedule an appointment go to the Yakima Health District web site or call the COVID-19 hotline at 1-800-525-0127.
Also beginning Wednesday, March 17 more people become eligible to receive the vaccine. According to a press release from the Yakima Health District. "On March 17, 2021 Washington State will move to Phase 1B Tier 2 of the COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan. Newly eligible individuals will be:
•High-risk critical workers who work in certain congregate settings: agriculture, fishing vessel crews, food processing, grocery stores, corrections, prisons, jails or detention centers, public transit, remaining first responders
•People 16 years or older who are pregnant or have a disability that puts them at high risk for severe COVID-19 illness."