Fore! Yakima’s Fisher Park Park OPEN!!!
It could be a rain out but the City of Yakima’s Fisher Park Golf Course welcomes golfers to its 2012 season. The par-3 layout, located on 40th Avenue across the street from Eisenhower High School, will begin play today. Depending on weather conditions, Fisher usually operates each year from late March until mid October.
Golfers will be able to take advantage of several pricing specials at Fisher this year. For example:
Greens fees will be rolled back to “Last Century Prices” on weekdays during the first two months of the season. From April 2nd through May 25th, the price to play 9 holes at Fisher will be just $7.00, which is the same as it cost to play a round back in 1999.
During Spring Break, golfers under the age of 16 can play 9 holes for just $5.00.
On weekends in April and May, a foursome can play a round for the price of 3 golfers.
On Mother’s Day (May 13th) moms will get to shoot 9 holes for free as long as they play with another paying golfer. The same will be true for dads on Father’s Day (June 17th).
June is National Women’s Learn To Golf month. During June, women can play 9 holes of golf at Fisher for only $7.00
In addition to offering private lessons for golfers of all ages, Fisher is home to men’s and women’s leagues and a Thursday evening couples league.
Fisher will also host two best ball tournaments this spring – one on April 15th and another on May 20th. Other tournaments also take place throughout the year.
To find out more about Fisher Park Golf Course, check out the latest Yakima Parks and Recreation Program Guide on the City’s website at www.yakimawa.gov.
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