My wife is a lefty so I am confronted with the world’s conspiracy against lefties on a daily basis.  I must admit I do tease her a bit about it…but looks like it may be more serious than I ever imagined. A recent study reveals lefties are an uptight bunch they feel more restrained and inhibited.

 Behavioral tests showed left-handers are more likely to feel anxiety, shyness or embarrassment about doing or saying what they want. In addition, they are more likely to agree with the statement: "I worry about making mistakes" and "Criticism or scolding hurts me quite a bit" .


I never gave much thought to how trying to learn to make your way through a right handed world could cause lefties so much insecurity but it makes sense…from door knobs to scissors, to buttons and even learning to write…that’s a lot of extra weight for a kid to carry.

Dr. Lynn Wright, leader of the study at Scotland's University of Abertay says "Left hander’s are more likely to hesitate, while righties tend to jump in a bit more…In lefties, the right half of the brain is dominate and it is this side that seems to control negative aspects of emotion. In righties, the left brain dominates."

Now that I think about it…the fact left handed pitchers make more money in baseball hardly offsets the hassle for the rest of the left handed living in a right handed world.

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