Clickit Or Ticket Campaign Underway through June 2nd.
Stay off that phone and drive. The best advice at any time say authorities but especially this week when extra patrols are out during the State Click-it or Ticket campaign. Police officers and sheriff's deputies from up and down the county are looking for people who don’t buckle up. But with a nearly 98 percent compliance rate they have time to check for a lot of other violations like drivers who talk or text behind the wheel says Angie Ward with the Washington State Traffic Safety Commission. Ward says the campaign continues through June 2. She says drivers can expect to see law enforcement patrolling city and county roads in search of unbuckled drivers and passengers and drivers using their cell phones. Ward says last year, during this same time period, officers on routine and extra patrols statewide issued 3,171 seat belt violations amongst the 11,047 motorists who were stopped.
In 2012 officers also wrote 1,059 cell phone violations. However ward says " taking a historical look, in 2010, (the same year cell phone use became a primary law in Washington), only 63 drivers were cited statewide." Ward says it's the reason why they're now focusing on texting an talking behind the wheel.
In Yakima County, Grandview, Selah, Sunnyside, Union Gap and Yakima Police Department, The Yakima County Sheriff’s Office and the Washington State Patrol will be teaming up and participating in these extra patrols, with the support of the Yakima County Target Zero Traffic Safety Task Force.
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