Chip Seal Program Closing Roads Starting Monday
Road closures are expected beginning, July 27 on sections of 3rd Avenue and Mead Avenue as city crews continue a chip seal program.
A news release from the city says chip sealing starts on 3rd Avenue east to Voelker Avenue and Mead Avenue south to West Pierce Street. That project is expected to last up to two weeks from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
The City will have flaggers on site to help drivers access their homes and businesses and also assist emergency vehicles through the work areas as needed.
The news release says "asphalt roads deteriorate over time due to traffic and exposure to sun and wet weather. Chip sealing helps maintain existing pavement in its present condition by delaying further aging due to water and sun, enhances the texture of a road surface and improves skid resistance, and corrects existing pavement problems by sealing cracks.
The best aspect of chip sealing is simple economics. Chip sealing saves taxpayer dollars because it protects the road from deterioration and greatly delays the need for a new asphalt overlay to repair a deteriorated road."
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