Cheap Beer Sales Get A Big Bounce During Quarantine
With Washington's lock down continuing, while much of the rest of the nation starting to open up - well, it's enough to drive a person to drink! And we are.
A study that detailed "the immediate impact getting drunk shows the immune system may see a brief boost about 20 minutes after peak intoxication...but about 2 to 5 hours after getting drunk, that boost fades and the immune system significantly slows down. Researchers noticed a reduction in the white blood cells important to immunity, along with an increase in proteins that reduce the immune system’s effectiveness."
The Mayo Clinic's findings also indicate, " drinking too much alcohol can have a negative impact on the body’s immune system, specifically, that excessive drinking makes it harder for the body to resist disease."
As Shirley Temple might say, while drinking a Shirley Temple, "Oh my goodness!"
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