Use Cannabis In WA State, Expect To Spend More Time In Hospital
There's an idiom that goes like this.... It's not your father's (fill in the blank) So what's in the blank? You could insert anything that is significantly different from what it used to be.

One definition is - "Recently changed, made unconventional through modernization"
For example - It's not your father's Oldsmobile.
It's not your father's Democrat party.
More Powerful Pot
It's not your father's marijuana. According to Leaf-dot-com, today's marijuana is much more potent than in the 70s:
The levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) have increased a great deal since the 1970s. According to an article from 2017, published in Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, the THC concentration in cannabis 50 years ago was less than 3%. On the other hand, the current THC levels of some weed strains are even more than 30%.
That results in a new study finds it to be "associated with a higher risk of emergency room care and being hospitalized for any reason. "
Medical Problems And Pot
The man conducting the study is Nicholas Vozoris, assistant professor and clinician investigator at the department of medicine at the University of Toronto:
Cannabis use is not as benign and safe as some might think...Our study demonstrates that the use of this substance is associated with serious negative outcomes, specifically, Emergency Department) visits and hospitalizations.
Dopey Equity Idea
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