**Thanks to favorable growing conditions, California blueberry farmers appear on track to harvest what could be their largest crop ever, but they’re not alone.

Greater production is also coming out of other blueberry-growing regions, flooding markets with the fruit and lowering prices for growers.

Mexico is also still sending quite a bit of fruit our direction.

California’s 2024 blueberry crop is estimated at 74.5 million pounds, up from last year’s 71 million pounds.

Balance Of Power At Stake As Midterm Elections Draw Near
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**The markup for House Ag Committee Chair GT Thompson’s farm bill will move ahead despite scores from the Congressional Budget Office that raise questions.

The CBO says the scores provided don’t amount to offsets that would allow the bill to be budget-neutral, meaning it wouldn’t cost more than the current spending level.

The Fence Post says Thompson believes the committee should still go through the process even though the bill isn’t fully offset.

California Central Valley Farming Communities Struggle With Drought
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**Truterra, an agricultural sustainability business, announced that its carbon sequestration program has paid more than $21 million to farmers for sequestration and reduction of over 1.1 million metric tons of carbon in its first three years.

They’ve also seen significant growth in enrolled acres.

In 2023, total acres increased by 99% over 22 and in 22,

total acres increased by 151% over 21.

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