Missouri Congressman Todd Akin said something pretty stupid in his now infamous remarks about rape and abortion on Monday.  He didn’t “misspeak” as he later claimed.  He is misinformed –call it ignorant—on the subject of rape, pregnancy and abortion. He isn’t a bad person and he isn’t totally incompetent. But he did speak up when he didn’t have the facts.  Any of us ever do that?  But because of the subject matter, his life of public service is obliterated and he is reduced to a laughing stock at best or a monster at worst.  Does his gaffe deserve the level of howling criticism and coverage the national media has rained down on him? Each has to answer that for themselves but it does make you wonder about the fairness of coverage as the liberal media raced to nationalize the ensuing controversy in an attempt to damage presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.Fortunately for those of us keeping score at home the Media Research Center offers its analysis of media coverage and as you sadly might expect, Akin’s error received four times the coverage of Vice President Joe Biden’s race baiting remark.

“In total, the three news networks – ABC, CBS, and NBC – gave Akin’s gaffe four times the coverage they gave to Vice President Joe Biden’s overtly racist comments last week in Virginia when he told a substantially black audience that a Romney administration would, “put y’all back in chains.” The obsession with Akin gave the liberal media yet another contrived excuse to ignore Barack Obama’s terrible economic record, and cast the campaign discourse back into the sewer.

Here are the actual numbers as broken down the M.R.C.

 Akin is just


 one of 435 U.S Congresspersons…Biden is a heartbeat away from being president…that’s the same Biden who recently called Republicans “squealing pigs”.  Hey…Fair is Fair, right?  Not in America’s media today.

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