Agriculture Tax Extenders Waiting for Congress OK; Salt Level Battle Between Restaurants and NYC Health Board
Congress has until December 18th or two weeks, to pass tax extenders important to agriculture. The House earlier this year voted Section 179 expensing permanent, among other tax extenders, but the Senate Finance Committee has opted instead to revive the expired measures for 2015 and extend them through 2016. Among the tax extenders yet to see approval by Congress, include section 179 expensing, the 50-percent bonus depreciation provision, and tax subsidies for biodiesel and wind power.
The National Restaurant Association said it has sued New York City’s Board of Health over its decision to require chain restaurants to post sodium levels next to menu items or combination meals exceeding 2,300 milligrams of sodium. The lawsuit filed Thursday in New York Supreme Court claims the board lacks the authority to enact such a law. The mandate took effect December 1st, and fines for noncompliance are expected to begin March 1st, 2016. It applies to chain restaurants with at least 15 stores.
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