Ag News: Wheat Profitability Projects Approved
**The National Wheat Foundation Board have approved three new projects, selected after strategic planning meetings with industry stakeholders of the wheat industry.
According to www.agrimarketing.com, the projects aim to answer these questions: Does high-yielding wheat equal high-quality wheat? Does high-yielding wheat equal higher profitability? And, can potassium levels in wheat grain be increased to help combat heart disease?
This is in addition to the successful National Wheat Yield Contest, which is now open for 2021.
**The latest independent data shows COVID-19 infection rates among meat and poultry workers are more than five times LOWER than the general U.S. population, 95% lower than May of last year.
www.agrimarketing.com reports, Food and Environment Reporting Network data shows the meat and poultry sector had an average of just 4.81 new reported cases per 100,000 workers per day in February, compared with 26.15 in the general U.S. population.
**Recording a fifth straight dry month, state surveyors report California’s Sierra snowpack has slipped further below average.
Last week’s survey results show the statewide snowpack at 61% of average, compared to 70% at the time of last month’s survey.
Farmers have been warned to expect low water supplies, and say they will have to leave land idle as one response to the dry conditions.
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