Ag News: Valent-FFA Sustainable Education
**Valent U.S.A. has partnered with the National FFA to provide teachers a first-of-its-kind “Sustainability in Agriculture Lesson Series.”
Ag teachers can use the free curriculum in both in-classroom and distance learning environments.
Inspired by ag educators, a Valent/FFA team developed eight lesson plans that enable middle and high school students to become familiar with sustainable ag, explore different sustainability processes, learn about emerging food value chain trends and prepare them to be educated ag leaders and consumers.
**At the Cotton Board’s recent 2020 ‘virtual’ Annual Meeting, board members serving the Cotton Research and Promotion Program voted to recommend Cotton Incorporated’s 2021 budget of $80 million to the Secretary of Agriculture.
According to morningagclips.com, this budget recommendation reflects a decrease of over $8 million from 2020.
Even with decreased funding, the budget remains at a high level focused on several key issues and addresses immediate challenges to increasing market share and restoring long-term profitability.
**The impact of the pandemic on consumer food buying habits has created havoc with both dairy markets and government dairy programs.
The Dairy Margin Coverage program, meant to protect milk-feed margins when feed prices shoot up or milk prices plunge, has not functioned normally this summer.
American Farm Bureau Economist, Michael Nepveux tells milkbusiness.com, many dairy farmers didn’t see the benefit of rising prices due to negative producer prices differentials.
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