Ag News: UGA on World Food Safety Day
**World Food Safety Day was celebrated June 7th. It was established in 2018 through a U.N. General Assembly resolution to bring awareness to foodborne risks and “to celebrate the myriad benefits of safe food.”
One of the leaders in this field, the University of Georgia’s food-safety research is led by its Center for Food Safety, where they develop ways to detect, control and eliminate harmful microorganisms and their toxins from the food supply.
**The National Ground Water Association and 18 state groups sent a letter to congressional leaders urging them to consider utilizing water wells in any future infrastructure legislation.
It’s estimated more than 40 million Americans depend on wells as their primary source of clean water, mostly in small, rural, often disadvantaged communities.
They say while current legislation proposes increased funding for small and rural public water systems, it’s often expensive for the community and homeowner.
**Citing lessons learned from the pandemic and recent supply chain disruptions, the USDA has announced plans to invest more than $4 billion to strengthen critical supply chains through the Build Back Better initiative.
This new effort could strengthen the food system, create new market opportunities, tackle the climate crisis, help left behind communities, and support good-paying supply chain jobs.
Funding is provided by the American Rescue Plan Act and earlier pandemic assistance like the Consolidated Appropriations Act.
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