Ag News: U.S.-China Talks in October
**The U.S. and China have agreed to hold high-level trade talks in early October in Washington, D.C.
The next round of talks come shortly after China imposed additional tariffs on $75 billion worth of U.S. imports, including an extra 10 percent retaliatory tariff on U.S. pork, bringing the total tariff rate to 72 percent.
The National Pork Producers Council urges the Trump administration to quickly resolve trade disputes with China, so that all punitive tariffs on U.S. pork are eliminated.
**After over 17-hundred miles, Stemilt Growers #RaveRoadTrip promoting the Rave apple came to an end September 5th in New Jersey.
Stemilt took Rave to six major cities and famous landmarks including Chicago's Wrigley Field.
Stemilt's Brianna Shales tells thepacker.com, it's cliché to say, but we heard so many raves about this apple.
Stemilt reached more than 10,000 consumers during the road trip through pop-up events and driving the Rave-mobile.
**Thanks to hundreds of generous donors supporting the Washington Apple Education Foundation this year, a record 330 new and renewing students received WAEF scholarships this spring.
That brings the total of this year's scholarship recipients receiving $1.1 million in educational awards.
According to WAEF, students receiving scholarships share a common link of parent employment in the tree fruit industry.
Scholarships can be used by the recipients at accredited two-year colleges, four-year public and private universities and technical/vocational colleges.
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