Ag News: Real Beef Over Alt Meat
**Alternative protein products may have drawn rave reviews and national headlines this year, but consumers still prefer REAL beef produced on REAL farms.
Agweb.com reports, the study asked about 18-hundred consumers to make a number of simulated shopping choices with five options: conventional farm-raised beef, plant-based burgers made with pea protein, plant-based burgers made with animal-like protein, lab grown meat, or none of the above.
72% chose farm raised beef, 16% plant-based meat alternatives, 7% plant-based animal-like protein, and 5% lab grown meat.
**The FDA has signed an agreement to help state departments of agriculture as they take on roles in ensuring the Produce Safety Rule is implemented.
According to thepacker.com, the 5-year cooperative agreement with the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture provides “critical information and resources” to implement the rule, part of the Food Safety Modernization Act.
The agreement provides $1.3 million to the association allowing it to help state and territorial produce safety programs to develop programs, educate about the rule and compliance to it.
**The use of controlled fires to prevent wildfires and meet other land management goals has dwindled in California, but there's new interest among landowners and public agencies in reviving the practice.
The first "prescribed burn association" in the West formed in Humboldt County last year, and new associations are being created in other Northern California regions.
The associations allow landowners to pool resources.
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