Ag News: Millennials Sustainability
**Millennials get a lot of grief, from stereotypes like “everyone gets a ribbon” to “addicted to their phones.”
But, when it comes to sustainability, according to milkbusiness.com, millennials are early adopters of innovation on the farm in genetics, feed science, energy efficiency, GPS tractor guidance, soil sampling, water recycling and how digesters produce energy.
Compared to 30 years ago, today’s dairy cows produce more milk while using 90% less cropland and 65% less water, creating 76% less manure and 63% less carbon emissions.
**China’s ag ministry reports the world’s largest pig herd is now 32.2% smaller than a year ago due to African swine fever, while the sow herd is 31.9% smaller.
Arlan Suderman, of INTL FCStone Financial, tells agweb.com, sources in China claim the losses are closer to 45%, or higher.
He says some large operations have restocked after disinfecting their facilities, but the disease struck again and they lost their herd for the second time.
**The rural economy continues to struggle, according to the Rural Mainstreet Index.
In the monthly survey of bank CEOs for July, the RMI slumped to 46.5 from July’s 50.2, the lowest reading in two years.
Three of four bankers reported the trade war was having a negative impact on their local economy.
Of those surveyed, seven of 10 support continuing, or even raising tariffs on imported Chinese goods.
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