Not all skiers are the same. Not all of them wear traditional ski boots. OK, most do. But there's a percentage of the skier community that can't find a lot of comfort in ski boots. People complain they're too tight or that they pinch.

The ski boot company Dahu listened and produced. The company has created a new species of ski boot called Ecorce that's supposed to be one of the most comfortable boots made. The boot is available at Yakima Sporthaus, where they describe it as a boot for people who are looking for comfort they haven't been able to find in other boots.
A removable inner-boot can be used before skiing, then once at the hill the boot slides into a plastic skeleton that allows it to perform like a traditional ski boot.
The cost is a little higher than the traditional ski boot which usually is in the range of $500 to $700. The Dahu boot is $899. They come in black and white with models for men and women.




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