Having difficulties staying motivated at work? You may want to look out the window.Australian researchers gave 150 participants a test in which they had to hit specific keystrokes when certain numbers flashed on a computer screen. After five minutes they were given a 40-second break, and then one of two images appeared: a rooftop surrounded by tall buildings, or a rooftop covered with a green, flowering meadow. Both groups then resumed their test.

After the break, those who had seen the concrete roof saw their concentration rates fall by eight percent, and their performance grew less consistent. Those who saw the meadow-topped roof saw an increase in concentration levels by six percent, and their performance held steady.

Researchers say the findings suggest that engaging in these green microbreaks-- taking time to look at nature through the window, on a walk outside, or even on a screen saver-- can be really helpful for improving attention and performance in the workplace.



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