Yakima’s Business Management Academy Is Back
You want to be a success in business? Start by learning all you can and you can start learning by attending the Yakima County Development Association's (YCDA) Business Management Academy.
Forty-nine managers from 29 companies just recently graduated in early December from the inaugural class of the YCDA Business Management Academy.
The YCDA says the program is ideal for those who are moving into management roles or are in management now but would like additional leadership training. If you attend you'll take part in a series of leadership assessments and classes covering topics like effective communication, customer relations, team building, negotiation, managerial finance, conflict resolution and more.
The training comes with a cost and an investment of time with eight full-day sessions over an eight-month period starting February 5th. The cost for all eight sessions (lunch included) is $1,500 and space is limited so act fast if you want to attend.
The full schedule of classes and registration information can be found here: https://www.chooseyakimavalley.com/event/2020-business-management-academy-day-1/
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