Yakima City Manager Updates Current City Development News [AUDIO]
A fast track to North First Street revitalization, the proposed downtown plaza and other city business were on the table for discussion Wednesday when Yakima City Manager Tony O'Roarke was a guest on the Mike Bastinelli Show.
O'Roarke talked about how the North First Street project has bee put on a two to three year timeline for completion, instead of a longer window to get the job done. He said that Yakimanians could be suffering from "construction fatigue" on that street, citing the underpass projects on Lincoln Avenue and Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard.
O'Roarke also gave an update on the proposal for a downtown plaza, and when the design firm for the project will be back in Yakima.
Click this player to listen to the interview.
Part One.
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four